11 Incredibili Benefici Per La Salute Del Rambutan


Video: 11 Incredibili Benefici Per La Salute Del Rambutan

Video: 11 Incredibili Benefici Per La Salute Del Rambutan
Video: 11 Amazing Benefits Of Rambutan Fruit for Health 2024, Aprile
11 Incredibili Benefici Per La Salute Del Rambutan
11 Incredibili Benefici Per La Salute Del Rambutan

Bene, nel caso ti stavi chiedendo come diavolo dovresti pronunciarlo. Ram-bu-tan. Non ne ho mai sentito parlare, non l'ho mai visto, e questa cosa sembra uscita dalla Guerra dei mondi di Spielberg.

O forse Cowboys and Aliens. Comunque ha un buon sapore. Ottimo per il tuo corpo. Quindi lasciamo perdere le banalità e andiamo dritti al punto: il rambutan sarà fantastico per te. Vai avanti e leggi (e mangialo).


  • Cos'è un Rambutan?
  • A cosa serve il Rambutan?
  • Qual è la storia del Rambutan?
  • Qual è il profilo nutrizionale del Rambutan?
  • Quali sono i vantaggi di mangiare il Rambutan?
  • Rambutan vs. Litchi: qual è la differenza?
  • In quale altro modo puoi usare Rambutan?
  • Qualche fatto veloce su Rambutan?
  • Dove acquistare Rambutan?
  • E la selezione e lo stoccaggio?
  • Qualche consiglio per cucinare?
  • Come mangiare correttamente il Rambutan?
  • Qualche ricetta popolare di Rambutan?
  • Il Rambutan ha effetti collaterali?

Cos'è un Rambutan?

È un albero tropicale di medie dimensioni e appartiene alla famiglia delle Sapindaceae. Scientificamente chiamato Nephelium lappaceum, il nome rambutan si riferisce anche al delizioso frutto (di cui parleremo) questo albero produce. È originario della regione malese-indonesiana e di alcune altre regioni del sud-est asiatico.

Anche ortografato rambotan, ramboutan, rambustan e ramboetan, il frutto è strettamente correlato ad altri frutti tropicali come il litchi, il longan e il mamoncillo. Infatti, nella lingua madre, rambut significa capelli. Questo con riferimento alle numerose sporgenze pelose del frutto. In vietnamita, il frutto è chiamato chom chom (che significa capelli disordinati), in riferimento alle spine che coprono la sua pelle.

Questo è un po 'su questo frutto apparentemente misterioso. Ma aspetta, perché ne parliamo?

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A cosa serve il Rambutan?

Sebbene il frutto sia piccolo, contiene una quantità considerevole di vitamina C, un nutriente che aumenta l'immunità ed elimina le tossine dal corpo.

Il Rambutan contiene anche rame, un altro minerale che funziona in tandem con il ferro per migliorare la salute dei vasi sanguigni e dei globuli (poiché è anche una buona fonte di ferro).

Ci sono molti altri vantaggi, che abbiamo riservato per dopo. Ma prima, che ne dici di dare uno sguardo alla storia del rambutan?

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Qual è la storia del Rambutan?

Come abbiamo visto, il rambutan è originario della Malesia e dell'Indonesia. È qui che si trovano le cultivar più ampie del frutto. Intorno al XIV secolo, i commercianti arabi introdussero il rambutan nell'Africa orientale. E nel 19 ° secolo, gli olandesi introdussero questo frutto in Sud America. Nel 1912, il frutto viaggiò dall'Indonesia alle Filippine.

Non vogliamo approfondire troppo la storia e farti aspettare. Quindi veniamo ai vantaggi. Ma poco prima, che ne dici di dare un'occhiata ai nutrienti che contiene questo meraviglioso frutto?

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Qual è il profilo nutrizionale del Rambutan?

Cento grammi di rambutan contengono circa 84 calorie. E una porzione di frutta ha solo 0,1 grammi di grasso. Ha anche 0,9 grammi di proteine. E 100 grammi di questo frutto contengono anche il 40 percento della vitamina C di cui hai bisogno ogni giorno e circa il 28 percento di ferro.

Nutriente Unità 1 valore per 100,0 g 1,0 tazza, sgocciolata 150 g 1.0 tazza 214g 1,0 frutta 9 g
acqua Proteina Calcio, Ca Vitamina C, acido ascorbico totale Niacina Colesterolo

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Quali sono i vantaggi di mangiare il Rambutan?

Il Rambutan è ricco di antiossidanti che combattono i radicali liberi e prevengono qualsiasi disturbo che potrebbero causare. Questi includono cancro, infiammazione e persino malattie cardiache. L'abbondanza di alcune vitamine e il gusto delizioso rendono questo frutto un must nel piatto.

1. Può aiutare nel trattamento del diabete

Benefici del Rambutan
Benefici del Rambutan

Uno studio cinese parla di come le bucce di rambutan possiedono proprietà antidiabetiche. I topi diabetici indotti con gli estratti fenolici delle bucce di rambutan avevano mostrato una riduzione dei livelli di glucosio nel sangue a digiuno (1).

2. Può prevenire l'aumento di peso

Non esiste una ricerca specifica che suggerisca come il rambutan, da solo, possa prevenire l'aumento di peso. Tuttavia, i frutti, in generale, come da studi, possono prevenire l'aumento di peso in quanto hanno una bassa densità di energia (2). I frutti contengono anche una certa quantità di fibre che possono aiutare la perdita di peso aiutandoti a rimanere pieno più a lungo.

3. Migliora la salute del cuore

L'alto contenuto di fibre nel rambutan può potenzialmente ridurre il rischio di malattia coronarica (3). Aiuta anche ad alleviare l'ipertensione e potrebbe abbassare i livelli di colesterolo, entrambi i quali possono altrimenti danneggiare il cuore.

4. Migliora la salute delle ossa

The phosphorus in rambutan has a role to play here. The fruit contains good amounts of phosphorus, which aids in the formation of bones and their maintenance.

The vitamin C in rambutan also contributes to bone health.

5. May Help Prevent Cancer

Rambutan is one of those fruits with a high antioxidant content, which is reason enough to say that it can prevent cancer. These antioxidants can fight inflammation and protect the cells in the body from getting affected.

The vitamin C in the fruit also aids in this regard. It neutralizes the harmful free radicals and offers protection against different forms of cancer.

According to one study, rambutan peels can alter and disturb the growth of cancer cells and can even be used for the treatment of liver cancer (4). And as per another report, eating five rambutans every day can drastically cut the risk of cancer (5).

6. Has Antibacterial And Antiseptic Properties

Studies suggest that rambutan has been used since the ancient times for its antibacterial properties (6). Certain studies also speak of the antiseptic properties of the fruit, which protect the body against numerous infections. The fruit accelerates wound healing and also prevents pus formation.

7. Boosts Energy

Benefici del Rambutan
Benefici del Rambutan

Rambutan contains both carbohydrates and protein, both of which can offer an energy boost when required. The natural sugars in the fruit also aid in this aspect.

8. Improves Digestive Health

The fiber in rambutan might help improve digestive health. It can aid digestion and also help prevent digestive issues like constipation. And the antibacterial properties might help kill intestinal parasites. Thus treating diarrhea as well.

However, we have less research in this regard. Please consult your doctor.

9. Works As An Aphrodisiac

Certain sources say that the leaves of rambutan work as an aphrodisiac. Simmering the leaves in water and then consuming them is said to activate the hormones that boost libido.

Rambutan is also believed to enhance fertility, though there is no research to back this up. Check with your doctor before using it for this purpose.

10. Promotes Scalp And Hair Health

The antibacterial properties of rambutan might treat dandruff and other scalp issues like itching. And the vitamin C in the fruit can nourish the hair and scalp.

The copper in rambutan treats hair loss. It also intensifies hair color and prevents premature graying.

Rambutan also contains protein, which can strengthen the hair roots. Vitamin C can also give your hair that added shine. You can simply apply rambutan juice to your hair and let it sit for about 15 minutes before shampooing as usual.

As there is little research in this aspect, we recommend you consult your doctor before you use rambutan for your scalp/hair health.

11. Enhances Skin Health

The seeds of the rambutan fruit are known to enhance your skin’s health and appearance. Mash the seeds into a paste and apply it to your skin for a clearer and even complexion. Using the seed paste regularly can soften and smoothen your skin and improve its texture.

Rambutan also hydrates your skin. The manganese in the fruit, along with the vitamin C, aids collagen production and also acts as an antioxidant that damages the free radicals. All of this keeps your skin healthy and young for a long time.

That’s pretty much the list of benefits. But there is a big question running around. Did you ever wonder if rambutan is the same as lychee? Let’s find out.

Rambutan Vs. Lychee – What’s The Difference?

Firstly, the two are different. Let’s accept that.


The rambutan is about the size of a golf ball. It has a red outer skin and yellowish green spikes all over. The flesh of this fruit is white and has a big seed at its center. It has a sweet, creamy, rich taste.

The skin is really thick and hard to peel.


The lychee is a little smaller than rambutan. It also has a red outer skin but minus the spikes. And the skin is rough. The flesh looks similar to that of the rambutan, but it tastes different. It is not as rich and creamy. It is crisper. And yes, this one also has a seed at the center.

The skin is not as thick, and you can peel it as you do with a hard boiled egg.

So, is that all? Is that all there is to rambutan? Well, no. There’s a host of other things you can do with the plant.

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How Else Can You Use Rambutan?

We already saw how to use the fruit and its benefits. But that’s not it. There are other parts of the plant that are quite useful as well. These include the leaves, seeds, peel, and the bark. And here, we look at each of them.

The Leaves

The leaves of the fruit contain healing juices. They possess analgesic properties, which basically means they act as an effective painkiller. It is said that drinking the juice works on your nerve centers and heals pain.

The juice from the leaves also offers great scalp health. You can also get rid of frizzy hair – just squeeze the juice from the leaves and apply to your scalp and hair. Rinse after an hour. Repeat 3 times in a week.

The Seeds

The seeds also have numerous beneficial properties, but we suggest never to eat them raw. They contain saponins, compounds that can be extremely poisonous.

The seeds are full of proteins and carbs. Adding them to your snack can be a good idea. They also have oxidative properties, which can help remove blemishes from your skin. You just have to crush the seeds to make a fine paste and apply to your skin.

The Peel

The peel contains flavonoids and gallic acid – these contain anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. You can simply wash the peels and eat them raw. And don’t worry about the spines – they are just soft and tender.

The peel can also cure dysentery and fever. Just boil the peel and strain the liquid. Drink this twice or thrice a day.

The Bark

The bark of the rambutan plant has astringent properties and can treat canker sores.

See? We told you. Not just the fruit, even the plant and its parts have some use. Now that’s cool, isn’t it? What’s even better are the facts about the fruit.

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Any Fast Facts On Rambutan?

  • The rambutan plant can reach as much as 66 feet in height.
  • Rambutan produces fruit twice a year. And each plant/tree can produce as many as 6,000 fruits per season.
  • The oil extracted from the seeds of rambutan can be used for cooking.
  • There are over 200 varieties of rambutan today.
  • Rambutan is usually harvested with more fruit left on the branches. This allows the fruit to stay fresh for longer and also makes it less prone to damage.

Rambutans might be those fruits you rarely come across. So if you want one, where can you get it? Good question.

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Where To Buy Rambutans?

You can find rambutans in select stores, some of which include Kroger, Wegmans, Independent Asian Supermarkets, Walmart, Whole Foods Market, and 99 Ranch Market. Or you can also get the fruit online.

With rambutan, it’s a different story. Because this is a fruit that only ripens on the tree. One can’t prematurely harvest it. In the USA, the season is late June to August and again from December through January. The US crop primarily comes from Hawaii.

And in case you are heading to the market to buy your rambutans, there is a way to select the fruit. And then there is a way to store it.

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What About The Selection And Storage?


While buying rambutans, look for the fresh ones that are bright red or yellow. The spines should be firm. Never choose a rambutan with bruises as it may be a sign of a damaged or overripe fruit.


It can be stored at room temperature for a couple of days. Refrigerating the fruits gives them a lifespan of a week or so, but they might lose their aroma. They should be ideally wrapped in a paper towel or a perforated plastic bag.

There are a few tips on how to cook this fruit. Basic guidelines, we can say.

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Any Tips For Cooking?

  • Before you even use rambutan for cooking, make a cut through the skin all the way round. Post which you can peel off the skin and use it.
  • In case you are serving the fruit to your guests, you can retain half of the skin on the platter. This enhances the look of the fruit. Your guests can then peel the fruit and eat.
  • Make sure you don’t cut the fruit half right through its seed.

And now for the million dollar question.

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How To Eat Rambutan Properly?

Benefici del Rambutan
Benefici del Rambutan

We know it’s a tricky task, but we have you covered.

  • The first step is to choose a ripe rambutan. A ripe rambutan is bright red with green spikes.
  • Place the fruit on a cutting board, and using a kitchen knife, just cut through the tough rind. Don’t try to cut the fruit in half because, well, you can’t. There is a large seed at the center.
  • Hold the knife stationary and slowly rotate the fruit. This will ensure some part of the ring is peeled off.
  • Squeeze out one half of the rind with your fingers.
  • You can either squeeze out the other half of the rind, or if you are worried about the loss of juice, just peel the rind.
  • Ensure you dispose the seed before eating the fruit.

Okay. So now, you are relishing the fruit. You are happy. But wouldn’t it only get better if you add this fruit to some delicious recipe(s)?

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Any Popular Rambutan Recipes?

Let us tell you that these orbs taste wonderfully great whether raw or in fruit salads, or pureed, or even in jams, jellies, and sorbet.

1. Rambutan And Lime Sorbet

What You Need
  • 1 pound of rambutan, peeled and deseeded
  • Rind and juice from 3 organic limes
  • 1/2 cup of sugar
  • 3 teaspoons of honey
  1. To a saucepan, add the sugar, honey, and the lime rind and juice. Keep stirring over moderate heat until the sugar has dissolved.
  2. Add the rambutans and lime syrup to a blender and blend until the mixture is smooth. Pour this mixture into an ice cream maker and process. Ensure you follow the manufacturer’s guidelines.
  3. Store in the freezer, and remove it 30 minutes before serving.

2. Rambutan Salad

What You Need
  • 1 finely chopped red onion
  • 1 crushed clove of garlic
  • Pineapple vinegar
  • Deseeded red chili
  • 1/2 cup of fresh mint leaves
  • 1/2 cup of lemon basil
  • Rambutans, as required
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  1. In a bowl, combine the onion, salt, pepper, garlic, and vinegar. Allow them to stand. Doing so can pickle the onion and stop it from burning.
  2. Peel and deseed as many rambutans as you need. Take at least 5 fruits per person.
  3. Add the mint leaves, lemon basil, and chili. Then, gently toss all the ingredients together.
  4. You can serve cold with leafy greens or meat of your choice. You can also have it with grilled fish.

We know the recipes are great. But we also must know the murky side of rambutan.

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Does Rambutan Have Any Side Effects?

Most of the side effects come from the fact that the fruit is sweet.


Yes, we did speak of rambutan for its anti-diabetic properties. But there is another side to it. Rambutan contains fructose, and this can promote insulin resistance, worsening diabetes. It can cause a spike in the blood sugar levels when taken in excess.

Note: The fiber in rambutan regulates blood sugar release, making it a great choice (in moderation) for those with blood sugar imbalances.


In case you let the fruit ripen too much, the sugar in the fruit can turn into alcohol. And this can pose harm to people with blood pressure problems.


This is with the seeds. Eating them can be fatal. Hence, don’t eat them.

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Peel it. Deseed it. Eat it. That’s all you need to know about rambutan.

Tell us how this post has made your life better (because we know it did). Post your comments in the box below. Cheers!

Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions

Are rambutan seeds poisonous?

Yes. We recommend against eating them raw. Boiling or cooking them might reduce their toxic properties (however, research is lacking in this regard).

Which season is a rambutan grown in?

The fruit is harvested between July to September and December to January – July to September being the main period.

How to grow rambutan?

The trees can grow in tropical and sub-tropical environments. Temperatures between 71 to 87o F are a must. Anything below 50 can kill them. Hence, they are best grown in warm regions like California and Florida.

The rambutan tree also likes to stay moist. You can plant the seed flat in a pot with drainage holes. It must be filled with organic soil, amended with sand and organic compost. You can place the seed in the dirt and slightly cover with soil. The seed will take anywhere from 10 to 21 days to germinate.


  1. “Anti-diabetic effects of phenolic extract from rambutan peels…”. Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming, China.
  2. “Health in Iowa Annual Report”. Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.
  3. “Dietary fiber and natural prebiotics for gut health”. Monash University.
  4. “Rambutan peels promoted…”. Anna University College of Engineering, Tamil Nadu, India.
  5. “Bioethanol fuel production from rambutan fruit…”. African Journal of Biotechnology.
  6. “Antimicrobial activity of…”. ScienceDirect.

Dichiarazione di non responsabilità: "Il contenuto di questo articolo non intende sostituire la consulenza, la diagnosi o il trattamento medico professionale. Consultare sempre il proprio medico prima di iniziare una dieta, esercizio fisico o regime di integratori. Questo articolo è destinato esclusivamente a scopi didattici."


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