11 Migliori Macchine Per La Cavitazione: Bruciagrassi E Modellamento Del Corpo


Video: 11 Migliori Macchine Per La Cavitazione: Bruciagrassi E Modellamento Del Corpo

Video: 11 Migliori Macchine Per La Cavitazione: Bruciagrassi E Modellamento Del Corpo
Video: Le 5 migliori macchine per cavitazione 2024, Potrebbe
11 Migliori Macchine Per La Cavitazione: Bruciagrassi E Modellamento Del Corpo
11 Migliori Macchine Per La Cavitazione: Bruciagrassi E Modellamento Del Corpo

Il grasso in alcune zone - come pancia, vita, braccia, schiena, fianchi e cosce - è ostinato. Fare esercizio fisico e mangiare sano potrebbe non essere d'aiuto. È qui che entrano in scena i dispositivi per scolpire il corpo o le macchine per la cavitazione. Questi sono dispositivi non invasivi e indolori che utilizzano il calore e le onde sonore per bruciare i grassi, ridurre la cellulite e rassodare la pelle flaccida.

La ricerca mostra che queste macchine per il rimodellamento del corpo aiutano a ridurre la circonferenza della vita di 2-4 cm, lo strato di grasso del 13% e ringiovanire la pelle (1), (2), (3). La parte migliore è che ora puoi averne uno a casa tua! Ecco le 11 migliori macchine di cavitazione disponibili online che sono portatili, facili da usare, sicure, senza cicatrici e più economiche dei trattamenti termali medici. Scorri verso il basso!


  • Riepilogo rapido
  • Cos'è una macchina per cavitazione ultrasonica?
  • Come funziona?
  • Vantaggi delle macchine di cavitazione
  • 11 migliori macchine di cavitazione per scolpire il corpo
  • Come usare una macchina per cavitazione?
  • Risultati prima e dopo
  • Come mantenere la perdita di peso dopo il trattamento di cavitazione
  • Cose da considerare prima di acquistare una macchina per cavitazione
  • Tipi di macchine di cavitazione
  • Quanto sono sicure le macchine a cavitazione ultrasonica?
  • Chi può utilizzare una macchina per cavitazione
  • Chi non dovrebbe usare una macchina per cavitazione
  • Suggerimenti da seguire durante l'utilizzo di una macchina per cavitazione

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Dopo alcuni utilizzi, puoi iniziare a vedere risultati visibili. Ma sarà diverso da persona a persona e dipenderà anche da come mantieni la perdita di grasso. Ecco alcuni suggerimenti concreti su come principale perdita di peso dopo aver subito un trattamento di perdita di peso non invasivo.

Come mantenere la perdita di peso dopo il trattamento di cavitazione

  • Bere almeno 8 bicchieri o 3-4 litri di acqua ogni giorno.
  • Evita alcol, caffè e tè con zucchero e latte, bevande gassate, cibi confezionati e cibi lavorati.
  • Attenersi a una dieta sana a basso contenuto di carboidrati.
  • Pratica il digiuno intermittente per mantenere il tuo corpo sano.
  • Esercizio 5 ore a settimana - 3 giorni cardio e 2 giorni di allenamento della forza.
  • Non scendere a compromessi sul sonno. Dormi almeno 6-7 ore.

È chiaro che le macchine per cavitazione ultrasonica sono efficaci e questa perdita di peso può essere mantenuta. Ma prima di effettuare l'acquisto, ecco alcune cose che devi considerare.

Cose da considerare prima di acquistare una macchina per cavitazione


Alcune macchine costose sono dotate di RF 3D quadrupolare, LED colorati, massaggiatore TENS / EMS, guanti, sonde facciali e oculari e altri accessori speciali. Sebbene non tutte le macchine siano dotate di questi strumenti, assicurati di acquistarne uno che abbia le caratteristiche di cui hai bisogno o che si adatti al tuo tipo di corpo.

Durata del trattamento

Mentre alcuni dispositivi di cavitazione ultrasonica impiegano 30 minuti per sessione, alcuni potrebbero richiedere solo 15 minuti. Inoltre, è necessario conoscere il limite di utilizzo per settimana e giorno. La maggior parte delle macchine di cavitazione sono progettate per essere utilizzate tre volte a settimana, ma ce ne sono alcune che possono essere utilizzate tutti i giorni.


Le macchine di cavitazione sono disponibili in diverse dimensioni. Esistono dispositivi piccoli e portatili, macchine di cavitazione 4 in 1 di medie dimensioni e modelli grandi o complessi. Più grande è il dispositivo, maggiore è il prezzo. Scegli un dispositivo che sia in linea con i tuoi obiettivi finali. Se sei una persona che viaggia regolarmente, seleziona una macchina per cavitazione a sonda singola (testa).


Questa è la caratteristica più importante da cercare in una macchina per cavitazione. Maggiore è la RF, maggiore è l'intensità del trattamento. Di solito, le macchine per cavitazione complessa 7-in-1 hanno un RF più elevato rispetto a quelle portatili. Coloro che cercano risultati rapidi possono utilizzare dispositivi con RF elevata. Aiuta a tonificare il corpo, snellire le zone adipose e scolpire centimetri in più in poche sedute. Coloro che cercano lievi cambiamenti nel proprio corpo possono optare per macchine a bassa RF.

Livelli di intensità

La maggior parte delle macchine per cavitazione sono dotate di più impostazioni per diverse aree del corpo. Ad esempio, alcune macchine includono 5 nodi di massaggio per maschiare, impastare, massaggiare e dimagrire. La funzione EMS consente di scegliere tra cinque livelli di intensità e due livelli di intensità ultrasonica.


Although cavitation machines are perfectly safe, it’s important to double-check the safety features of the machine before buying it. Heat regulation and auto shut-off timer are two important things to check for in a cavitation machine. The good news is that unlike other fat removal methods, this procedure does not involve pain, scarring, or bleeding. It is a 100% non-invasive procedure with no downtime. However, it is always safe to purchase a machine from a reliable brand that offers decent and premium-quality features.

Heat Regulation

An efficient heat regulation system that disperses excess heat is mandatory to prevent skin burns and inflammation.


Most cavitation machines are used with an ultrasound gel. This is to operate the device smoothly over the skin. Ensure to check if the machine you are looking for requires an ultrasound gel.

Detailed User Manual

Most cavitation machines are equipped with complex buttons and settings that require precise knowledge to operate. If you don’t have a detailed instruction manual, using the probes in the right manner can be challenging. It is important to be aware of all the functions to maximize the device’s efficiency.


When a brand offers a warranty, buying the product will give you peace of mind and assurance that the machine will last longer. During this period, you can replace defective parts or service the machine to increase its efficiency. Most branded cavitation machines offer a favorable warranty.


Most cavitation machines that have special features, extra tools, and high-quality material cost a bomb. Therefore, consider your budget and evaluate your needs before buying the device.

While scrolling through different cavitation machines, you must have come across ‘RF,’ ‘3-in-1,’ or ‘7-in-1’ units. These are nothing but different types of cavitation machines that serve different purposes. Let’s look at them.

Types Of Cavitation Machines

1. Ultrasonic Cavitation Machine

Ultrasonic cavitation machines are the most popular cavitation machines. High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) machines use 2-7.5 MHz pulse of vibrations for a designated time through a stainless steel probe head. It heats up the focused area to spot-reduce fat. These machines usually have two levels – low for sensitive skin, and high for areas with thicker skin(4), (5).

2. Radio Frequency Device (RF)

Radio Frequency (RF) cavitation devices emit radio frequencies of 3-24 GHz (6). The RF radiation heats the collagen-rich layers of your skin, called the ‘dermis.’ This helps tighten the skin, regenerate collagen, and reduce cellulite and wrinkles. Radio frequency cavitation machines help improve the texture and appearance of your skin. There are various types of RF cavitation devices:

  • Bipolar RF devices are used for facelifting, which can reduce saggy skin and wrinkles.
  • Tripolar RF devices are for treating the delicate skin around the eyes.
  • Hexapolar RF devices are meant for treating thicker skin and removing cellulite.

3. Infrared (IR) Light

Some cavitation machines use infrared light that penetrates the skin and generates heat. This preps the skin for better and deeper penetration of the radiofrequency energy in the targeted tissue (7). It increases blood circulation and helps your body recover and heal quickly after an injury.

4. EMS

EMS is an Electronic Muscle Stimulator that produces low-frequency electrical impulses through electrode pads, which cause the muscles to contract. This way, your muscles exert more than 4000 joules per second.

The muscle contraction can be frequent or can help for several seconds. This deep and intense muscle contraction helps massage the muscles, thereby helping to make the body look more toned and sculpted.

Now, let’s answer the question that is on everyone’s mind.

How Safe Are Ultrasonic Cavitation Machines?

Although ultrasonic cavitation is a pain-free, non-invasive, and non-surgical procedure, there isa slight chance of skin burns if the treatment is done for more than 10-20 minutes per session. During the treatment, you will feel some warmth due to the high-frequency heat waves. This may last until a day. To prevent redness and burns, you must check the user manual and stick to the time mentioned in the manual.

For people with liver issues, this process may not be 100% successful as this organ needs to function well to lose the decomposed fat.

Check out the next section to find who should and should not use an ultrasonic cavitation machine.

Who May Use A Cavitation Machine

Cavitation machines are ideal for healthy individuals who want to lose anywhere between 5-100 pounds. They are not effective for reducing obesity. These devices are mainly used for getting rid of the last-standing stubborn fat and for shaping the thighs, legs, waist, upper arms, and belly. Cavitation machines are a good choice for people who want to tone certain areas of fatty deposits but do not want to undergo any surgical treatment like liposuction.

Who Should Not Use A Cavitation Machine

The following people should not use a cavitation machine:

  • Minors
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women.
  • Menstruating women.
  • People with cardiac diseases, hypertension, diabetes, skin cancer, fatty liver, epilepsy, and malignant tumor.
  • People with photosensitive skin.
  • People with skin infection, burnt skin, skin allergies, and anticoagulant disorder.
  • People with surgical scars.
  • People with cancer and weak immunity.
  • People with metallic implants.


Cavitation therapy is not a weight-loss treatment. It is not designed to fight weight gain or obesity. These machines are very expensive, and some patients may not gain any noticeable results.

Here are some tips that you can follow for maximum results.

Tips To Follow While Using A Cavitation Machine

  • Go through the manual and read the instructions thoroughly before you begin.
  • Consult a doctor if you have any chronic or skin disease.
  • This process is a complete no-no for pregnant women.
  • Always use a cavitation gel when using this device to avoid burns.
  • Take inches as a unit of mass.


Cavitation machines are easy-to-use devices for spot fat reduction that you can use at home. They cost less than the medical spa treatments for body sculpting. You can see results in 10-12 sessions. If you want to rejuvenate the appearance of your skin and get rid of stubborn fat from a problem area, a cavitation machine can be a good bet. However, you must maintain a healthy diet and work out regularly for maximum effects.

Click on your favorite product and try it out to see the results for yourself.

Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions

How long does it take to see results from ultrasonic cavitation?

Generally, most clients start to see a difference in 3 treatments. Often, you’ll see results after the first session itself. However, between 8 and 12 sessions are needed for optimum results.

Is cavitation an FDA-approved treatment?

Yes, ultrasound cavitation + RF for body sculpting is an FDA-approved treatment.

What are the other names of ultrasonic cavitation?

Ultrasonic cavitation is also known as ultrasound cavitation, cavitation, ultra cavitation, body contouring, body sculpting, and Ultra Shape.

Can I lose weight with ultrasonic cavitation?

Ultrasonic cavitation is a procedure to eliminate localized fat. The localized fat tissue in the belly, waist, chin, upper arms, thighs, and buttocks becomes resistant to exercise and diet. Ultrasonic cavitation procedure can help get rid of these localized fat stores. However, it is NOT a weight loss treatment neither will it treat obesity and related comorbidities.

What is the after-care for ultrasonic cavitation?

  • Increase water intake.
  • Choose healthier and nutrient-rich foods.
  • Exercise daily to tighten the skin and lose any extra weight.
  • Avoid fatty foods.
  • Avoid alcohol.

Will I put the weight back on?

If you do not maintain a healthy lifestyle, eat healthy food, and exercise regularly, you will put the weight back on. The removal of the liquid content consisting of fatty acids and glycerol allows fat cells to decrease in size. However, excessive calorie intake could cause the cells to increase in size once again. It is, therefore, important to maintain a healthy lifestyle with a well-balanced diet.

Are there any side effects?

Cavitation machines are mostly safe and have minimum side effects. If you have photosensitive skin, it is best to get the treatment for a short duration. Never exceed the massage time as directed on the manual to prevent redness and burning.

How often can I use my cavitation machine?

Most clients require 5-6 sessions to get the desired results. Remember that there should be a gap of three days between each session.

Will the cavitation machine treat cellulite?

The infrared light mode in a cavitation machine is built to help reduce cellulite. However, it may not eliminate cellulite completely. With regular use, your skin tone may brighten and even out but you must also massage oil in the affected area, eat healthy food, and work out regularly to see long-lasting results.

How long do ultrasonic cavitation results last?

Ultrasonic cavitation does not completely destroy fat cells. It just empties the content inside these cells. Hence, there are high chances of regaining the fat again. Therefore, to maintain the results, you need to follow a balanced diet.

What is the difference between a cavitation machine and laser liposuction?

A cavitation machine uses ultrasound waves to break down the fat cells. In laser liposuction, the fat cells are heated and extracted through a cannula.

Do infrared slimming massagers work?

Yes, infrared slimming massages really work. These devices use infrared light to heat up the target tissue and prep the skin for better and deeper penetration of the Radio Frequency energy in the targeted tissue. This, in turn, helps sculpt the body and get rid of the stubborn fat.

Does body sculpting really work?

Yes, body sculpting works. Several user testimonials and reviews show that people with a BMI lower than 30 and with a healthy lifestyle get results in as less as 2 sessions. However, it can take up to 12 sessions over a period of 2-3 weeks for others.

Do ultrasonic cellulite removers really work?

Yes, ultrasonic cellulite removersdo work. However, it also depends on how you take care of your body. You must consume a balanced diet, avoid all junk food, work out regularly, and get good rest to get fast and long-lasting results.

How often can you use anRF machine?

You can use an RF machine 2-3 times a week for 10-15 minutes. Take a look at the user manual to see the recommended use time and frequency of use. It may differ depending on the type of machine and company.

How to use an ultrasonic cavitation machine for face tightening?

Per utilizzare una macchina di cavitazione ultrasonica per il rafforzamento del viso, è necessario un attacco del nodo più sottile. Applicare il gel sulla zona che si desidera eliminare il grasso in eccesso. Accendi il pulsante di accensione, impostalo sull'impostazione desiderata (usa una frequenza più bassa) e inizia a massaggiare l'area problematica con il nodo. Fallo per 10 minuti due volte a settimana (leggi il manuale utente) per rassodare la pelle del viso.

7 fonti

Stylecraze ha linee guida di approvvigionamento rigorose e si basa su studi peer-reviewed, istituti di ricerca accademica e associazioni mediche. Evitiamo di utilizzare riferimenti terziari. Puoi saperne di più su come garantiamo che i nostri contenuti siano accurati e aggiornati leggendo la nostra politica editoriale.

  • Alizadeh, Zahra, et al. “Review of the mechanisms and effects of noninvasive body contouring devices on cellulite and subcutaneous fat.” International journal of endocrinology and metabolism 14.4 (2016).


  • Nojomi, Marzieh, et al. “Health technology assessment of non-invasive interventions for weight loss and body shape in Iran.” Medical journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran 30 (2016): 348.


  • Velez, Mara Weinstein, et al. “Nonthermal Pulsed Ultrasound Treatment for the Reduction in Abdominal Fat: A Pilot Study.” The Journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology 11.9 (2018): 32.


  • Miller, Douglas L., et al. “Overview of therapeutic ultrasound applications and safety considerations.” Journal of ultrasound in medicine 31.4 (2012): 623-634.


  • Nassab, Reza. “The evidence behind noninvasive body contouring devices.” Aesthetic surgery journal 35.3 (2015): 279-293.


  • Alizadeh, Zahra, et al. “Review of the mechanisms and effects of noninvasive body contouring devices on cellulite and subcutaneous fat.” International journal of endocrinology and metabolism 14.4 (2016).


  • Adatto, Maurice A., Robyn M. Adatto-Neilson e Grietje Morren. "Riduzione del volume del tessuto adiposo utilizzando una nuova tecnologia a radiofrequenza ad alta potenza combinata con luce infrarossa e manipolazione meccanica per il rimodellamento del corpo." Laser nella scienza medica 29.5 (2014): 1627-1631.



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